Saturday, November 6, 2010

Leftover Chicken

Diane and I experienced some serious rain today for the first time.  We are pretty much independent of the weather because if it rains, it just an opportunity to relax in our apartment (Diane is currently watching this week’s “Gray’s Anatomy”). 

Laurie P’s comment on yesterday’s blog implies that she has communicated with Tom.  Reassuring.  I keep checking HIS blog ( half expecting to see a self-portrait of him laying on our couch watching movies on Netflix “On-Demand”.  House sitting alone has its challenges. 

We did Frommer’s walk #5 today.  It starts just a half block from our apartment, so we could come back if the rain got really nasty.  It never did, although Diane used her umbrella.  I brought along an old Scottish Tam o' Shanter that one of Katherine’s friends left at our house.  It kept my head dry but began to smell strongly of sheep only after a light sprinkling.

We toured Victor Hugo’s house, strolled the old Jewish district, and looked at still more buildings. In one place, there was a bicycle polo match going on.  In another, I found the History of Paris Library, filled with ancient documents.  It has strict entrance requirements, but I - with a bona fide Paris Specialty Library card - was allowed to strut in like I owned the joint.

After the walk, we did the usual thing: split up.  I went back to the library; Diane went "shoe shopping" to practice her French, although she has bought shoes since she has been here.

For dinner, we had leftover $25 chicken. 



Unknown said...

Yes Brian, Tom and I have communicated. Along with his confession to netflix addiction, he shared some stories about you as well. All good I can assure you. And all is well on the home front. He even took care of your trick-or-treaters.

As for Frommer's journey #5, bicycle polo, how unique is that? Even more unusual than ringette. At least to this sheltered American.

And how Parisian you must have felt Brian, with entrance privileges into the Pris History Museum thanks to your library card. Next will discover you have enrolled in a cooking or writing class!

Laurie p.

Unknown said...

Hi Diane and Brian,
Well, it is raining today in Danville after having a very beautiful and mild week before. Your house is still standing and no cats have been run over so all is well. The elections are done with our local US Rep. race still undecided. Peter ran into Nancy G's car (on his bike) at the stop sign. We miss you but would love to be in Paris too! Croissants are calling my name...

Diane A said...


Good to hear the house is still standing. Have you met Tom yet? I hope Peter is OK. Can you believe I haven't had a croissant yet! Brian goes down to the pattiserie for breakfast every morning for a "maxi croissant" and a cafe creme and initially would ask me every morning if I wanted to come (answer was "no"). I save myself for crepes (filled with nutella)!!! Good to hear from you Christina (and you too Laurie - our faithful blogger!)