Sunday, November 21, 2010


After a quick egg, ham and cheese crepe at our favorite spot, Diane dashed out early in the morning to go to the Armory Museum.  She wanted to the see the Military Uniform display, which she has not been able to see so far.  We have six day museum passes which means we can get into any museum we want for “free” and seeing the uniforms was a priority for Diane.  I mostly sat in the apartment and drank coffee, but also walked out to Bofinger Brassarie to make a reservation for tomorrow night. 

We had to meet Greg and Lauri at the Lourve pyramid at 2:00 PM.  On route there from Bofinger, I passed by the Carnavalet Museum which documents the History of Paris. Since it was on the Museum Pass, I went in and scampered through the exhibits just to see what was there.  It definitely looks like it is worth a second look.

Diane returned from the Armory Museum, with her mission accomplished.  We met Greg and Lauri at the appointed time. We walked over to the l’Orangerie Museum to take in the Andre Kertesz exhibition.  November is “The Month of Photography” in Paris and there are exhibits everywhere.  It was a great exhibit.

From there, we walked over to the Musee d’Orsay, which is the Impressionist art museum.  It is currently under renovation, so is not at its full splendor, but is still very cool nonetheless.  It was interesting how they have revised history: none of the pamphlets show that the museum has a third floor.  The third floor contained all of the greatest Impressionist art and is the floor currently closed for renovation. Master works, such as “Le Dejeuner sur l'Herb” by Edouard Manet, were now on exhibit on the ground floor.  There still was a lot of good stuff to see.

We decided we needed pizza tonight.  I became obsessed with finding Chicago-style deep dish combination pizza.  No luck.

Instead, we were turned away from the one pizza joint we could find, because it was 6:00 PM and they didn’t open until 7:00 PM.  We drank a bottle of wine in a bistro while we waited.  We went to the pizza restaurant, which had a fabulous décor and pretty good pizza (thin, but better than the cracker crust with cucumber slices that I feared).  After eating a few pizzas we went back to Harry’s New York Bar and celebrated with a round of homemade Bailey’s cocktails.  Even Greg had one.

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