Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving? Hello?

To quote my mother, “Well, that’s a fine howdy ya do.”  Both Diane and I seem to have gotten acute food poisoning from our comfort food meal of pasta, red sauce and broccoli last night.  It was a miserable night.  We’re both recovering, but we were both pretty weak today.  We skipped breakfast and had a slice of dry toast for lunch.

This morning, I did manage to step downstairs to the bike shop and pick up a giant bike box.  Of course, while struggling to get it up the narrow spiral staircase, I ran into, for the first time since being here, the building custodian.  He just seemed more worried about whether I was going to throw all the cardboard into the trashbin than me dragging this thing along the walls and ceiling, but a lot was lost in communication and it was a moment I was actually happy that I couldn’t speak French.  Anyway, it is now in our apartment.  Diane does not seem that impressed.

We did a bit of nearby shopping today.  I finally bought a new wallet and key chain.  I like the larger European size wallets.  Thereafter I went to the library while Diane took a snooze.

Thanksgiving doesn’t exist in France.  Even the American Expat community must make big compromises.  Turkey is completely unavailable until Christmas.  I scoured the internet for potential Thanksgiving dinners, but had no luck.  There is a Cajun restaurant called “Thanksgiving” very close to our apartment which might have been a possibility had our stomachs not been so adverse to spice today.  Diane wore her Thanksgiving socks that Lauri gave her last week.

Ultimately, we went out to La Defense to a quintessentially American institution for Thanksgiving dinner: (… drum roll , please …) McDonalds.  I had the Big Mac Maxi Menu avec frites et Coca-Cola Normal.  Diane had cheeseburger avec frites et Coke Zero.  Afterward, we had McFlurrys.  It was good.  So far it is staying down too.

There was a big Winter Wonderland set-up at La Defense, which we strolled through quickly.  We were very cold, so rushed home.


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